
Nominee for 2017 British Sociological

Association Philip Abrams Memorial Prize

About the book

Chinese-British Intermarriage explores how people negotiate and reconcile, construct and reconstruct their distinctive gender and ethnic identities in a cross-cultural context. It reveals how gender and ethnic identities intersect in distinctive ways in shaping the lived experiences of intermarried couples. Through the kaleidoscope of first-generation Chinese-British inter-ethnic families in the UK, this book brings together gender, migration and ethnic studies. It reflects on ongoing social processes such as individualisation and globalisation. 

Selected reviews

“Sociological writing on the subject of inter-ethnic union formation at its very best. Its contribution to theory, methodological innovation, and the acuity of the analysis, including insights into the life-course dynamics of Chinese-British inter-ethnic families and the relevance of ethnicity and gender, make this book an indispensable work of scholarship for all those interested in the broader topic of the sociology of ethnic relations.” (Peter J Aspinall, University of Kent)

“This is an accessible study that sheds new light on how men and women make sense of their intimate relationships within and across ethnic divides, which should be compulsory reading for those interested in the interconnections of gender, ethnicity and family, as well as those concerned with migration practice and policy.” (Jacqueline Scott, University of Cambridge)

The book offers remarkably nuanced insights into the intimate backstage of globalisation by exploring the family lives of an emerging ‘transnational middle-class'”. (Daniel Nehring, East China University of Science and Technology. Read the full review published in The Sociological Review)